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Private 1:1 Compassion Key Clearing, 3-9 sessions Packages
$600.00 - $1,400.00
This is a clearing tool to uncreate patterns and a highly effective way to heal wounded aspects. We clear imprints caused by micro-trauma as well as highly stimulated traumatic events. The outcome is that we start sending out new signals.
Through self directed compassion we receive emotional healing, our energy change, we heal our conscious and subconscious mind - we stop attracting toxic situations, we take new actions and new opportunities appears.
Where our attention goes our energy go - it is important to focus on all the positive things we have in our life - to be grateful. Gratitude is a very high vibration, when we are grateful for what we have we will start attracting more things to be grateful for.
Simultaneously - what we resist persists. If we have heaviness in our life and we have gone through experiences where we were or felt f.x. abused, misused, betrayed, abandoned or rejected - these parts of us needs to be seen, heard and appreciated in order to be healed. Once the negative energy is dissolved and the wounded parts are healed - we integrate the healed aspects and we start feeling whole and worthy.
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