Eliza Rosenqvist is Giving An Amazing Gift Bundle and A Group Healing
QUANTUM Expansion!!! Doing the work you LOVE, Contribute & Generate Abundant WEALTH: Workbook, Masterclass, Healing & Activation
Group Healing: ASCENSION Celebrating Yourself and Your Future with Self Love
Group Healing
Celebrating Yourself and Your Future with Self Love
The more we Recognize, Enjoy and Celebrate what we have and who we are - the more our Light Expands and we attract what we want.
The Intention with this Healing Session is to remove as much as possible of what does not serve us anymore - so we can Genuinely Love and Celebrate ourselves, our lives and our Future.
When performing healing I access the subatomic quantum field of energy. I connect to the Source of Creation, becoming a channel and instrument allowing the divine to work through me.
I cleanse and restore the energy field, the aura, and initiate a process of self-healing of the physical, the emotional, the mental as well as the spiritual body.
Prepare yourself by being in a quiet place and in a comfortable position.
Gift Bundle
QUANTUM Expansion!!!
Master Quantum Leaping without Burning out. Workbook
- Master your Energy and Heal your relationship with Time & Money
- With exercises designed to prepare you to Breakthrough to your next level
- Gain clarity around how you can Contribute in a bigger way and SHINE more Brightly sharing your Unique Gifts
The 3 Keys to Unlock & Access your True Potential. Masterclass
- The 2 reasons preventing you from collapsing your Desires into your Physical Reality.
- The 1 mistake that repels the money and Abundance you want.
- How to Bend time and the best way to Create Momentum when we are stuck.
- The most Important Principle - that will totally Transform your Life when you Embody it and Live it.
Healing Meditation
- Cleansing your Energy Field
- Activating Rejuvenation
- Connecting to your Highest Potential
- Inviting in New Opportunities
Clear Path Activation
- Purpose Work
- Sharing Your Gifts
- Stepping up to your next level
About Eliza Rosenqvist
Spiritual Mentor. Shaman.
5D Quantum Healer. Transformational Life & Career Coach.
My mission is to Inspire as many people as possible to Love themselves and live a fulfilled life in beauty and happiness.
To follow their dreams, living as their authentic self and stepping into their highest potential and expression in this life.
To live in the present moment and operate from the wisdom of the heart.
My speciality is to teach Quantum Leaping to Artists, Healers & Spiritual People so they can do the work they Love, Contribute More & Generate Abundant Wealth without burning out!
When I give mentoring you will receive guidance and keys, making it possible to unlock the doors that are closed. I provide wisdom of how to overcome obstacles.
You already have all the answers inside you - however sometimes it is not possible for us to see our own blindspots.
Working together with me will help you focus your Energy towards what truly matters for you and you will start taking Aligned Inspired Actions so that you can achieve your Goals Connected to your personal Core Values.
When you understand how to energetically change in cellular memory you will send out new signals that will transform your reality
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